Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pay Per Play Ads: How to Earn from 100% of Your Website Visitors

Usually, for a webmaster to win a visitor to his site that he was waiting to download the sale of one of its own products, a click on an ad Google Adsense or perhaps the sale of an affiliate product.
As many webmasters but will confess, Alcan ando one of the above is often easier said than done, and a high percentage of websites struggle to turn in a journal, although obtain reasonable profit traffic numbers on a regular basis.
However, a new technology called Pay Per Play ads now gives Webmasters the ability to win for each unique visitor to their site and easily turn into profitable websites struggling ones.
To win visitor to a site that the visitor will not have to buy a product, visitors will not have to sign up for anything, in fact What visitors will not even have to click a link.
It works like this: you add a simple piece of code to your web page (similar to adding Adsense code to your site), then when a visitor arrives at your site, from 5 audio second ad plays .... And you get paid!
The company running the scheme is called Pay Per Play NetAudioAds and have been used successfully for a number of years and have been serving up more than 40 million audio and each ad Each month.
66, 000 advertisers (including big names such as household Burger King, Taco Bell and Harley-Davidson) are already on board and are ready to pay you for all the visitors you get to you their existing sites and sites created specifically to maximize the potential of PPP PPP ads.
With Ad you earn 25% of & 39; pay per play & 39; revenue spent by advertisers who play the audio ads on your site. Advertisers bid to be placed (as if it were a major bid for a place, with Google Adwords) for him to be the top paying audio ads that will appear on your site. You also of course be paid at 100% of its visitors!
The otherwise, you can win simply by referring other website owners to run PPP ads on their sites. You get a superb 5% of advertisers spend on your reference & 39; s website. And let me clarify, this means that you introduce a webmaster will earn 25% in ad played on your site and you earn 5% .... But that& 39;s not 5% as it wins ..... It & 39; s 5% of the total spending of advertisers on its site. That is a huge difference and just think how much that could add up, if you could introduce some webmasters with good traffic. As a further incentive, you also gain additional 5% of anyone calling in their direct references board.
Pay Per Play ads are intended to become the preferred method for webmasters income in the coming months. The advantages to be had by early adopters who are able to share the concept with others are even greater! For more details on Pay Per Play ads and to view a short video that shows how you can get a win quickly from this internet revolution, visit now. Computer &

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