Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The New Business Rules Engine is Changing the Rules of Business

With modern computer technology, almost all administrative functions at the work place can be automated. New versions of the classic business rules engine will not only help with risk decisioning, they’ll regulate all employee actions for maximum efficiency and profit.   A business rules engine is a program that banks have used for years to apply standard rules to individual customers and situations. Until now, this tool has primarily been used for risk decisioning – determining whether a line of credit can prudently be extended to a customer, for example. But the business rules engine concept can be applied to many other situations with magnificent effects.   The next generation business rules engine will benefit businesses of all types and sizes. Any rules you have in your business can be automatically evaluated, updated, and enforced by a business rules engine. Your employees will love your business rules engine for it’s consistency in enforcing rules without human bias. You will love it for the improved output of each employee. And a business rules engine will do the job of a lower-level supervisor better than he or she could.   The way a business rules engine will work in your business is that you input a variety of metrics it can analyze and formulate rules for your business. For example, if your business is having trouble with employee tardiness, the business rules engine will track tardiness levels and set appropriate consequences for subsequent infractions. Three tardies within a month may result in suspension. Six may be grounds for firing. Your business rules engine will notify you of these milestones.   The business rules engine can also create rules for the entire company if a problem is wide spread. Lower than average productivity may result in loss of privileges – shorter breaks, loss of phone privileges, or smaller bonuses.   Your business rules engine will enforce these policies automatically by reducing the bonus size or monitoring phone calls. All employees will be notified of these changes in rules as they happen.   Of course a business rules engine will also be able to automate reward systems as well. It employees consistently meet their quotas they might be rewarded with weekends off or Hawaiian shirt or donut Friday. You can input the reward and your business rules engine will make sure it happens on schedule.   Newer business rules engines will also help cut down on fraud by customers. It will prompt employees to ask for ID to cut down on identity theft. It will keep track of bounced checks and reject them from customers who have been unreliable.   You can also use a business rules engine to protect your business from human error. It will prompt restaurant employees to check temperatures periodically and to clean equipment on schedule.   It can even protect you from your own racial or sexist biases. A business rules engine will keep track of employee performance records from a variety of metrics – total sales, customer complaints, attendance, units produced, extra hours worked – whatever is important. Then when it comes time to give promotions or raises you will know who is most deserving. Then if legal questions come up, you will have numbers to point to.   You may think that this sounds very pervasive, or that employees would resent such a tight leash. On the contrary, employees will learn to appreciate the consistency that a business rules engine brings to the decision-making process. All rewards and punishments will be performance based. This will eliminate favoritism and nepotism. There won’t be lollygagging with a business rules engine because each employee will know it’s in his or her interest to give the best possible effort.   You, as a manager or supervisor, will no longer be seen as the one to blame for uncomfortable policies. You will only need to point to the numbers gathered by your business rules engine to explain the rules. This will allow you to focus on motivating and encouraging employees in order to build morale. And because you will be under the same watchful eye your employees are under they won’t resent your position as much.   Business rules engines won’t just for risk decisioning soon. There are many benefits business rules engine technology can bring to your business regardless of the kind of business you run. Watch for these amazing tools to come out very soon. A business rules engine will transform your employees’ work ethic as well as your relationship with them.   About the Author: Mat Moniker is a writer for Innuity and a technology analyst. Learn more about current business rules engine technology and risk decisioning at Zootweb. snowflake shyla

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